Privacy Policy

1. Grounds
1.1 This document describes the Privacy Policy available at Blue Brain Polska Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in  Cracow 30-394, Ks. Franciszka Trockiego 22 street, (hereinafter referred to as BlueBrain) is the website’s administrator.
1.2. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to establish the appropriate rules, processing and use practices applicable to the data and information collected from the website’s Users. This Policy also includes the rights of natural persons pertaining to the personal data they shared.
1.2. Please, read carefully this Privacy Policy document. When entering or using the website, and giving us any personal data, the User accepts this Privacy Policy’s provisions.
1.3. Note, that when leaving this website (by e.g. clicking on a link redirecting to another domain), the User enters into an environment not regulated by this Privacy Policy. BlueBrain cannot be held liable for any privacy policies’ provisions governing the websites of third parties.

2. Personal data protection policy
BlueBrain is the personal data administrator for the information given by the Users of the BlueBrain’s website. BlueBrain assures that special care is taken so that all the personal data are processed in compliance with the purpose to which they were collected, and so that they are used within the obtained consents’ scope and the areas in accordance with the applicable law.

3. Purpose of the personal data processing
3.1 Each person providing Top Farm his/her personal data in the contact forms on the website is informed about a particular purpose for which the data will be processed and about the processing legal basis.
3.2. BlueBrain uses the collected personal data only for the specified purposes. In particular:
a) if the consent is given to receive marketing materials, the personal data will be used for the purpose of presenting the information on BlueBrain’s products and services. The data and the consent are provided freely, however, a lack of those prevent us from sending the marketing information;
b) when the consent is granted in the contact form for the purpose of a BlueBrain’s representative contacting a person regarding BlueBrain products or services;
c) when using the BlueBrain’s services (including, among other, Printer Care).
3.4. Your personal data is processed based on the consent you had provided, the data will be processed until your consent is withdrawn or the purpose for which the data were collected expires. The consent may be withdrawn at any time without prejudice to the legality of the processing done before its withdrawal.
The data with relation to an agreement’s conclusion and its execution will be processed according to the current law, however, no longer than the time until which BlueBrain can pursue claims regarding this agreement, unless the Accountancy Act stipulates a longer period of time for processing.

4. Information security and storage
4.1 Top Farm ensures the data security by appropriate technical and organisational measures whose goal is to prevent illegal data processing or their incidental loss, deletion or corruption.
4.2 BlueBrain assures that special care is taken so that the personal data are:
in line with the law, reliable and clear;
collected for particular purposes, based on legal grounds, and that they are not processed further for other purposes;
adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purposes to which they are processed;
correct and, if needed, updated;
stored in a form that prevents identification of a person they belong to, and kept no longer than necessary for the purposes to which they are processed;
stored in such a manner that provides adequate security of the personal data;
subject to the rights of persons who the data belong to;
not transferred, without appropriate security measures, to countries outside the European Economic Area or international organisations.

5. Obtaining data
5.1 When collecting any personal data, Top Farm keeps record from where the data was initially obtained.
5.2 The personal data is obtained by:
online forms – the information is gathered by filling various forms on the website for the purpose of making a contact, question or comments;
a non-online contact – on the BlueBrain’s website there are various phone or fax numbers as well as email addresses enabling a contact;
data on traffic and statistics regarding the visits’ frequency on the BlueBrain’s website – the traffic information is automatically registered by our server and kept, it includes data such as the User’s IP address, the visited websites, the URL visited before entering our website as well as the one visited after leaving it. The website hits and visits are also collected as statistics. BlueBrain is unable to establish the identity of a User based on the website traffic data and usage statistics.
when using the contents of the website managed by BlueBrain – there is Users’ information collected based on cookies. Cookies are small text files transferred from a website and kept on a User’s local PC disk that help to customise the content to the BlueBrain website Users’ individual needs and interests. They enable for “remembering” who a particular person is.
A User can at any time disable in their browser the cookies, however, this change may cause an inability to use the BlueBrain website. The details on the cookies use are described in our ”Cookies policy” (Polityka plików cookies).

6. Users’ rights
6.1 BlueBrain observers the rights of every person pertaining to their personal data processing. In particular, every person whose data is processed has the following rights to:
a) be informed that their data is processed;
b) access their data, have them corrected, completed and changed;
c) have the data erased (“the right to be forgotten”);
d) limit the personal data processing;
e) transfer one’s personal data;
f) object to the personal data processing by Top Farm (the data administrator) for the purposes such as direct marketing of BlueBrain products and services, profiling, and to object to being subject to decisions based solely on automatic processing.
6.2. BlueBrain reserves the right to decline a person’s request in situation in which it is impossible to unquestionably identify a person, due to the scope of the data provided, however, when declining to act, BlueBrain informs such a person and they may provide the information necessary for the identification.
6.3. BlueBrain informs that there is no obligation to erase the personal data (“the right to be forgotten”) when its processing is necessary to:
a) exercise the freedom of speech and right to information,
b) perform the duties of processing under the Polish or European law or perform a task in the public’s interest,
c) keep archives in the public’s interest, for the purpose of scientific or historical research or statistics,
d) determine, pursue or defend claims.
6.5. When a User submits an objection against further data processing for the purposes of marketing, profiling or against his/her data transfer to another data administrator then the objection is taken into consideration. The Administrator may however leave in the database the data identifying a natural person only to avoid this person’s data being again for the purposes against which the objection was expressed.
6.6. A User can exercise the right to information and data access but not more frequently than once in 6 months. A person, who the data belong to, submits a request and the data administrator is obliged to disclose the necessary information within 30 days.

7. Non-disclosure of Users’ personal data
BlueBrain does not sell nor enable use of the collected for processing personal data of its Users’ to any persons or institutions, unless there is an explicit User’s consent or request, or a request from authorised by the law state bodies for the purpose of ongoing proceedings or activities relating to security and defence, for the tasks performed in the public’s interest and stipulated by the law, or when it is necessary to meet the BlueBrain’s, justified by the law, goals.

8. Changes to Privacy Policy
The BlueBrain’s Privacy Policy may undergo some changes due to amendments in the acts of law pertaining to personal data protection and other factors. BlueBrain immediately informs its clients and Users about any changes on its website. If the current Privacy Policy is changed, the appropriate amendments will be made to the abovementioned stipulation.

9. Right to lodge a complaint
In any instance when a natural person believes that his/her rights under the law or this Privacy Policy are breached, they have the right to lodge a complaint to the Office for Personal Data Protection.