Currently, we are implementing the “Development and implementation of the BLUE BRAIN Sp. z o.o. sp. k. International Business Plan” project, co-financed by European Funds. It aims to implement the activities specified in the International Action Plan. EU Funds contribution: 147,726.12 PLN.

BlueBrain Sp. z o.o. sp. k. implements the “Development of the company through the implementation of an innovative platform for the performance of MPS New Generation Managed Print Services” project, co-financed by the European Funds .
The project aims to increase the company’s competitiveness through the implementation of an innovative platform for the performance of New Generation MPS services – an intelligent system for monitoring and management of the fleet of printing devices and optimisation of the printing environment. Project value: 5 940 900.00 PLN. EU Funds contribution: 1 932 000.00 PLN.

BlueBrain Sp. z o. o. Sp. k. implements the “Mathematical model as an integral part of a system optimising the selection and location of printing devices to reduce printing costs” project, co-financed by the European Funds.
The project aims to conduct research and development studies necessary to develop a product innovation – a prototype of an innovative mathematical model as an element of a system optimising the selection and location of printing devices to reduce printing costs. EU Funds contribution: 1 308 760.00 PLN.